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Volunteer Opportunities

We have many opportunities to help a senior!


The more volunteers we have, the more people we can help!


We currently have a need for Meals On Wheels volunteers on delivery routes. It's a way to provide a nutritious meal, a friendly visit, and make sure a senior is healthy and well!


It is our goal to have enough volunteers to only need you to volunteer one day a month.


Help us reach that goal!


  • It takes an hour or less to deliver lunch meals, depending on the route 

  • You can deliver by yourself or recruit a friend to help you out.

  • You choose how often you'd like to volunteer. 

  • Each of our volunteers is invaluable to the program. 


How can you help??


Click here to see our current Volunteer opportunities or

email Kris for more information!!





... at the Meal Sites! our Kitchen!

... in our Office!

... at Special Events! a Volunteer Medical Driver!

...with Faith In Action!





"Without volunteers, we'd be a nation without a soul" ~ Rosalynn Carter


A volunteer themed picture with words - The Best Gift is You!
No woman ever ages beyond eighteen in he
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